Each year at Buffalo High School it seems as teachers come and go. Some retire, some go on to do other things, and others are coming in looking for a new opportunity. Recently, we welcomed new World Studies teacher Katie Borchert. Borchert was hired on January 16, 2015, she started her job three days later, on the first day of 3rd quarter.
“I was extremely nervous especially since I got hired the Friday before,” said Borchert.
Luckily, this was not Borchert’s first experience in a new school. Borchert has previously taught in Anoka, St. Michael- Albertville, and a Junior High in Burnsville. It comforted Borchert coming in to BHS due to the fact she had known Social Studies teacher, Mike Curry ahead of time. Along with previously knowing a colleague, Borchert is also glad to have World Studies teacher, Gerard Rohl as a mentor.
“It is nice to have someone to help me get started,” said Borchert.
Each day Borchert makes the trip from Minneapolis to Buffalo. She is glad to come to a place with so many friendly staff and students.
“I am excited to have found a home to teach at,” said Borchert.
With just a little over 4 months left of this school year Borchert is ready for days ahead.