
Your Lunch Money Isn’t Going Where You Think it is…

Most seniors, when asked, thought their unspent  lunch money went to the school to help with paying for books, laptops and other school needs, but this isn’t the case.

“[After you graduate,] your lunch money can go to one of three places,” said Secretary Linda Thompson. “The Angel Account; a younger sibling in the same lunch program or your parent can call the school and ask for a refund.”

The Angel Account is an account that is set up for students who can’t afford lunch; it helps fund their lunches so they can eat.

“I wouldn’t mind my money being used for laptops or anything else just as long as it’s for a good purpose,” said Senior Albert Dela Cruz

Usually the only time your money would be used for the Angel Account is if you don’t have a sibling in the same lunch program or your parents don’t call and ask for it to be refunded.

“I would be mad if I had like 100 dollars in there but since I don’t eat lunch here and only have five cents I don’t really care,” said Dela Cruz.

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Jessica Faust

I've been in dance for 8 years, and I like cats.


Everyday I'm Writin' Stuff

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  1. Is this referring to money in lunch accounts that hasn’t been spent at the end of the year?

    “Your lunch money goes to one of three places,” –Where are the other two places the money goes?

  2. Thank you for your comment. The writer is currently updating the story to include the other information. Thanks for reading The Hoofprint.

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