
“What’s up, dock?” and Other Punny Punchlines

Q: What did the ship say to the pier?
A: What’s up, dock?

“Haha, I get it…because docks are like piers!” said Senior Jonathan Wirkkala.

The lunch room jokes, a staple of BHS, has been making students chuckle for years.

“Oh, I don’t know how many years ago that [the jokes] started,” Food Service Assistant Nancy Allen said. “I’ve been probably here ten years, and [Food Service Assistant] Katie [Lohse] started it before then. The kids liked it. If there isn’t a joke there, kids get upset.”

Photos by Tyler Maxson
Photos by Tyler Maxson

Once the lunch staff arrives at 6:25 a.m., they sift through books looking for the joke of the day.

“We have joke books, and once in a while we get them from the students,” Allen said. “They come in and say, ‘I have a joke, can you put it on the board for us?’ but typically the jokes come from the books.”

The jokes aren’t the only way the lunch staff tries to make lunch more enjoyable.

“The facts just started towards the end of last year. We had Valentine’s Day cookies yesterday and we started last year the ‘Lunch Lady Day,’ which is pretty much just giving you [students] a treat. We do different things throughout the year such as giveaways. We’re going to do a ‘Beach Party’ and give away beach towels and all that kind of stuff.”

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Tyler Maxson

I'm a 2013 Senior at Buffalo High School. Next year I'm going to college.

Kevin Danielson

Kevin is currently in the Journalism 2 class and enjoys cereal and striped shirts.

Olivia Wyatt

Olivia is an avid baseball fan and dancer. She is currently the editor-in-chief of The Hoofprint.

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