
The Legend of Mr. Thayer

If you ask almost any BHS student about substitute teachers, chances are you will hear a lot about Scott Thayer

“Thayer is by far my favorite teacher,” said Junior Drake Wholenhouse “I love the relaxed attitude he’s always got, not to mention his stories.”

Photo by Ben Lepinski

Thayer went to college at North Dakota State University on a basketball scholarship. He also went on to earn five teaching majors in English, science, chemistry, biology, and physical education. After college he had a small teaching job and coached football and basketball. He left, however, to sell athletic equipment to local high schools and sports teams. He did this for six years.

“I felt I was on the road too much,” said Mr. Thayer “Family was more important than the money, so went back to teaching.”

For the next couple years Theyer held a couple jobs teaching English and social studies at different schools before moving to Kimball, where he taught seventh to eighth grade English for thirty two years. He was also a Driver’s Ed teacher and Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Golf coach.

Thayer has been substitute teaching since 1995. He substitute taught at many different schools such as Kimball, Annandale, St.Micheal, and Becker,  but he especially liked Buffalo. He now only substitute teaches at Buffalo.

“I feel respected here and I agree more with how this school is run,” said Thayer.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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