
Students may be able to take classes online next year

Three Buffalo High School teachers have proposed an idea to offer hybrid and online classes for next year, as an alternative learning experience for some of the classes that they teach. Brenda Deikman, Daryl Boeckers, and Jason Karn are hoping the proposal passes, so students have an option of doing things more independently instead of being in the classroom five days a week. Right now this is just a proposal that still needs to be taken into consideration by the School Board.


Photos by Emma Rodelius.

Spanish One, and Computer Apps One and Two were proposed as hybrid classes.

“Hybrid is where you would be at school for a certain amount of days in the classroom,” said Diekman. “The other days you would be on the computer at home doing the lesson for that day.”

The other two classes being proposed are College and Career Prep and Tenth Grade Phy Ed, but these two are being offered as Online Classes.  So everything is online, no classroom involved.

“For my gym class you would take home a heart rate monitor and do whatever you need to do to keep your heart rate up for however many minutes are assigned that day,” said Karn. “There would also be computer work, like reading out of the book and answering online questions.”

Diekman has been planning her hybrid course for two years now. Next year will be her third year, when she hopes to get to watch all her hard work come into play.  She, along with Boeckers and Karn are excited to implement it next year. The teachers hope these new classes help meet the needs of a wide variety of students while continuing to provide a positive learning experience.

“It provides a variety of different learning opportunities for students instead of making students fit into Buffalo High School’s learning structure of sitting in a classroom for 80 minutes everyday,” said Principal Mark Mischke. “This gives students who need variety an opportunity for learning a new way.”

Story By Maddi Herzfeld & Bailey Hanson

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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