
Miss Buffalo candidates get ready for summer

Sunday June 12 to Sunday June 19 is the week of Buffalo Days. This includes activities such as fireworks, a carnival, and a parade. In the parade the five girls running for Miss Buffalo will be featured. The girls are Seniors Sadie Holland, Sarah Oliver, Padriana Jordan, Mary Zelko, and Kaylene Born.

Besides the parade, the girls have a car wash, a banquet, and interviews with their sponsors. The sponsors are from businesses around the town and different ones sponsor each girl. “My sponsor is Edina Realty,” said Holland, “even though I don’t know anyone from it.”

Coronation is on Sunday June 19 where one of the five will be crowned Miss Buffalo. With the new candidates coming in, that means leaving the old behind.

“Being a princess for Buffalo was one of the best experiences of my life,” said former student and current Buffalo princess Maggie O’Donnell. “I got to meet tons of people while representing and serving a community that I love. I know I’m going to miss it but now it’s another girls chance to go out and represent our town. ”

The winner’s year then consists of parades, fundraisers, and volunteering until next June.

“I just want whoever wins to make the most of their year,” said O’Donnell, “because it goes by too fast.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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