
Is it Art or Just a Book?

The year is coming to an end, seniors are throwing graduation parties, juniors are ready to be seniors, and the new Tatanka yearbook is out. Every year students get their yearbooks, some only want to get them when they are seniors. Everybody is signing one another’s with weird signatures. Before everybody would write HABAS (Have a bad ass summer). Thinking it was so awesome. Now it is just a name and they tell you to have fun this summer.

There is both complaints and compliments to this year’s yearbook. One of the most common complaints so far is misquotes and grammar errors. One thing that needs to be remembered is that the yearbook was made by the students for the students.

“Lots of mistakes, but it was a good yearbook,” Junior Kaylee Knutson said.

No product is perfect. Everything has flaws. Imagine playing a game that’s perfect, no cheat codes, no glitches, not even a misprint? It wouldn’t be fun.

“I’m not going to admit that there could ever be a yearbook without mistakes. Every product has flaws. Expectations are so high, It’s flattering to see that people expect a perfect product from a group that has never made a yearbook before,” Journalism Teacher and Yearbook Adviser Ryan McCallum said.

Most people agree that the yearbook gets better every year.

“I think it’s amazing. Each year they are treating it less like a book and more and more like a project,” Senior Devon Bainey said.

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