Saving the Date

It’s only nearing the end of the third quarter at BHS and seniors are already getting antsy about graduation rituals. Many students in the class of 2014 are already sending out invites to their graduation parties. In the last few years, invitations to senior’s graduation parties have been getting more and more informal. People have begun to send mass invites through Facebook. Notifications are blowing up on Facebook with, “(students name) has invited you to their event (students name)’s graduation party.”
“I mainly scheduled my graduation party early because I wanted to let my family know when I was having it,” said Senior Jessica Faust, “I have a large extended family with five seniors, so this will make it easier for everyone to make sure they can make it.”
Facebook has offered students convenient and inexpensive ways to send out invitations and many people have taken advantage of that. It also creates a way for people to get information out ahead of time.
“I wanted people to save the date,” said Senior Sarina Haasken, “I am sending out invitations in the mail too, but this way they’ll at least have the date.”