
What Match Maker is all About

Match Maker took place in the cafeteria. This occurred from December 20 (Thursday) until December 21 (Friday). It is a Valentine’s Day activity where students fill out a form that lists a series of questions. After the questions are looked over, they evaluate whose answers are the most similar. In the end, you get paired with the person that shares the same interests as you. Results are based on compatibility.

“A total of 1,200 forms were ordered,” said student council member Kala Czanstkowski “Now we wait in anticipation to receive the results.

You can get your results at lunch time by paying one dollar. The money raised will go to either the School in Uganda or the Buffalo Food Shelf. In past years, the money raised from this has gone to helping the food shelf. This year, depending on time availability in the fundraiser, the school is thinking of trying something new.

“We aim for the results to come out on Valentine’s Day,” said Czanstkowski “It all depends on when the company sends back the forms.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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