You only live once. This true statement has taken the world by storm with its abbreviation “Y.O.L.O.” It was popularized in Drake’s 2011 song “The Motto,” and hasn’t slowed down since.
“I’ve been completely taken off guard by it. I was honestly under the impression that you lived twice,” joked Junior Tori Tonn.
Y.O.L.O. promotes the fact that you only have one opportunity to live your life right. Sometimes, there are no second or third chances. This has been abused, however, as students today use Y.O.L.O. as an excuse to misbehave or not get their work done.
“I think it is dumb,” said Sophomore Ben Lepinski. “But my friends and I use it just for stupid stuff like, ‘Oh, biology test today and I haven’t studied. Y.O.L.O!’”
The saying has gotten so big that websites like cafepress.com have begun to sell merchandise with the letters printed on. T-shirts, iPad cases, and even license plate frames are being sold to promote Y.O.L.O.
“I think Y.O.L.O. is overused,” said Senior Danielle Kruzel. “Y.O.L.O. is dumb.”
hmmmmmm. interesting subject…….. Y.O.L.O 🙂