When the school day ends, students anxiously run home to log online, chat with friends, and entertain themselves with Youtube videos.
About 48 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute, resulting in eight years worth of content everyday. Often, these videos are not “one-hit-wonders”. As YouTube’s popularity increases, so does the demand for multiple videos from the same users.
Some of BHS students’ favorites include: Kyle Mooney interviews, Arby ‘n the Chief, The Duck Songs, The Yogcast, Swifty IRL, Freddiew, Freeman’s Mind, Would You Hit It, What the “eff” Are You Wearing, and Baman and Piderman.
Journalism Teacher Ryan McCallum watched Baman and Piderman for the first time with Seniors Matthew Mosolf and Niels Olsen.
“I was instantly enthralled. It was the first YouTube video someone showed me that I’d never seen,” McCallum said.
Another favorite, What the “eff” Are You Wearing, was made popular by MPLS.tv, whose co-founder, Chris Cloud, Skyped with The Hoofprint staff last week. What the “eff” Are You Wearing is the most popular series on MPLS.tv, and it’s easy to see why.
“They’re funny because she makes it so awkward,” said Junior Carlie O’Malley. “You just have to watch it.”
Watch the first episode of Baman and Piderman here:
Wach What the “eff” Are You Wearing below, or on MPLS.tv: