With a new name and the debut of full-color pages, UniVerse, the literary arts magazine of BHS, launched on Wednesday after school. Copies are currently being distributed around the school.
“No Gentle Trip;” features a cover image by Junior Kaitlin Berg of a crab tipping slightly off a rock and kicks off with a poem by Claire Nelson called “STAND”.
The group of students behind UniVerse worked to feature poetry, art, photography, and prose created by BHS students who wanted to put themselves and their work out there. The group met in Bison Time and after school to work on the magazine. They also hosted open mic nights in the Library Learning Commons which featured students reading their poetry in front of an audience. They also held writing workshops.
Editor-in-Chief Junior Katherine Wagner led the group of students who put the book. She said she spent “easily over 100 hours” working on the magazine. Wagner said she lives and dreams writing as she is working on her own book now.
“I am currently working on my own book too,” Wagner said, “because I love to speaking in and out of poetry.” stated Junior Katherine Wagner.
Make sure to check out their new volume and maybe even try it for yourself once.