Will you Be Participating in This Challenge?

For the past few weeks on most people’s Facebook their newsfeed has consisted of people jumping into the cold water. People are nominated to jump in the water by one of their friends and when they get nominated they either have 24 or 48 hours to complete the challenge.
The challenged has been called the Polar Plunge or the Cold Water Challenge. If the person doesn’t complete the challenge they are supposed to donate money to cancer research. So the person can either jump into freezing water or donate money.
“I was nominated… and the water was friggin cold. Colder than Superior lake!” said Senior Bryce Bishop. “Just standing on the dock I was already cold. Then I jumped in and got even more cold and was like AHHH!”
Not everyone wants to do this challenge though.
“It is stupid and people will just jump in so they don’t have to pay money,” Senior Veronica Oistad said.
Besides this being stupid to some people it can also be dangerous.
16 year old Davis Colley was found dead in Minnesota’s Eagle Lake on Friday night according to abcnews.com. He most likely died because of hypothermia but there is no official reports of it. Even across our nation there have been countless injuries related to this challenge.
So if you are participating in this challenge make sure you don’t go alone and have plenty of towels to help dry and warm you up after you get out of the water. The number one way to prevent injury from this is to not participate even if you are nominated. Safety should always come first.