
What was wrong with the old Tri-M Ceremony?

Why was the Tri-M induction moved to a base time?

This year the Tri-M induction was moved to a BASE time rather than a whole night like in previous years. The Tri-M induction ceremony was when the winners of best in site from Solo and Ensemble Night performed their pieces and one by one, new members would accept their Tri-M membership card and pin on stage. Current members would be recognized and the night was the same every year. Except for this year.

The new ceremony took place during BASE Thursday, May, 25th, and started with inductees standing in their places in the audience and reciting the Tri-M oath before being called by name across the stage to be given their pins and membership cards. Current members also walked across the stage to get a handshake and certificate from Chapter Co-sponsors Mike Knutson and Zachariah Carlson. It ended with a quick spring meeting for the new group of members.

Although most of the ceremony was similar to before, many students are wondering why it was changed from a traditional, formal event to a 30-minute abbreviated event during the school day.

“There are so many events throughout the years so the directors decided to move it to take one night off of everyone’s plates during the busy spring season,” said current Tri-M leader Elle Keranen ’23. “We are sad about the Solo and Ensemble performances not happening but it wasn’t up to the leadership team.”

Will this new shortened ceremony be the new tradition?

“Next year the concert schedule will be different with the new trimester schedule so it may go back to the original night with the Solo and Ensemble performances or it could stay a BASE time ceremony,” says Keranen.

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Ava Peterson

Ava is an ABBA enthusiast, record collector, swimmer, Track and Field thrower, and trombone player.

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