
What is the Most Comfortable Chair?

The chairs at BHS aren’t known for being comfortable, which begs the question. What is the most comfortable chair at BHS?

Chairs at BHS come in many different shapes and sizes.  Some chairs are wooden, some are plastic, and others are metal. Almost all chairs tend to be painful to sit in for 63 minutes at a time.  I find myself constantly shifting in my seat to not have to sit in an uncomfortable bent position for this amount of time.  The goal today is to answer the question of the best chair at BHS by ranking them on 3 statistics.

The first is comfort. Comfort is the most important statistic, so it is worth up to 20 points.  Next is the support of the chair.  If a chair has no back support or option to lean back, the chair will lose points.  This category is worth up to 10 points.  The next category is the ‘bonus features’ of the chair.  This statistic takes into account every unique detail of the chair to gain up to 5 points or lose up to 5 points.  This is added to the score after the average is calculated.

Let’s start with the worst chairs at BHS.  

The Pepperoni Pedestal 

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 14/20

Support – 3/10

Bonus – -5

Overall score – 1/10

Location – The Lunch Room

This chair is ruined by the uncomfortable flat build, the lack of support, and the bonus chance of finding crumbs, sauce, or some other mystery substance sitting on it.  A good 30% of the chairs in the entire lunchroom are unusable unless you are willing to sit in literal garbage.

The Scrap Metal Disaster

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 4/20

Support – 1/10

Bonus – 0

Overall score – 2/10

Location – Various classrooms around the school

If this chair didn’t have the most uncomfortable, curvy, back-breaking support or if it had any amount of friction to keep my body on the chair it would be fine.  Sadly, this pain-in-the-back is just another reason for me to write this article.  It is unreasonable to expect students to not experience spinal damage after 4 years of these.  Pieces of these chairs fall off on occasion.

The Grainy Cradle

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 12/20

Support – 9/10

Bonus – -4

Overall score – 3/10

Location – Most commonly in C-220 area

This chair is extremely uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time, but has very good back support.  The bumps on this chair make my body extremely itchy, so this is losing 3 points.

Convex Concrete

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 1/20

Support – 7/10

Bonus – 0

Overall Score – 3/10

Location – At the top of the staircases

These benches are very painful.  The seat is convex, and it hurts to sit on.  Not to mention the complete lack of comfort.  The only redeeming feature of these things is that they are all up against the wall or windows, adding a nice place to lay down.

Ancient Sculpture

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 8/20

Support – 6/10

Bonus – -1

Overall Score – 4/10

Location – Room A-102 exclusively

Has nice support, but is overall not very comfortable.  Not to mention the chance of the chair imploding on impact from its age.

The Slotted Scooper

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 15/20

Support – 3/10

Bonus – -1

Overall score – 5/10

Location – Almost every classroom

The most average chair, and likely most common chair in the building.  This chair is plastic, but still pretty comfortable.  The biggest flaw in this chair are the large round bolts on the seat of the chair.  I always feel like my leg is going to get scratched; my pants are going to get caught under it.

Aristotle’s Arched Back

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 11/20

Support – 3/10

Bonus – 0

Overall Score – 5/10

Location – Room A-211 exclusively

This chair comes with a nice backstory, but not a nice back rest.  The hand-painted chair is beautiful, but it may be better as a decoration than a seat.

The Bird’s Nest

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 16/20

Support – 7/10

Bonus – -2

Overall score – 6/10

Location – Upstairs in the resource areas

Extremely comfortable relative to other chairs, the support is also great and you can lean back almost 15 degrees.  The major downside of this chair for me is the wobbly squeaking noise whenever you make a microadjustment.  This chair has a lot of potential, but I’d still choose the floor.

Nice to Seat You

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 15/20

Support – 3/10

Bonus – +3

Overall score – 9/10

Location – Black Box exclusively

This chair has a very comfortable seat, but the back support is almost unusable.  It is painful to sit on.  The chair wins 3 bonus points for a built-in cup holder, and for constantly offering to shake hands.

The Ball Mobile

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 17/20

Support – 3/10

Bonus – +2

Overall Score – 9/10

This chair is much better because of the ability to roll.  If the support was angled back more, this would be one of the best chairs in the school.

“That’s not a chair”

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 20/20

Support – 10/10

Bonus – +1

Overall score – 11/10

Location – Black Box exclusively 

This chair is found on the floor in the back left corner of the Black Box.  It is composed of cushions, and was exceedingly comfortable.  It gets bonus points for the nice window view, and the windowsill is a perfect place to set a snack or something to drink.

Business is Booming

The Hoofprint |

Comfort – 20/20

Support – 9/10

Bonus – +3

Overall score – 13/10

Location – Rooms C-210 and C-218 exclusively

These legendary chairs can be found in two rooms in the entire building.  This chair has extremely high comfort, extremely nice support, and a bonus 3 points for the ability to spin!  If I could design the ideal chair for a computer lab, this would be the chair.  It may be worth taking one of these classes just to experience the chairs.

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