Morning of the Last Day

With the end of the school year coming up students are planning on what to do on the last day of school. Students traditions usually include driving tractors to school and grilling in the morning. We asked students what their plans are for this year.
“I will drive my golf cart if it is fixed,” said Senior Josh Robinson.
“I’m going to drive a corvette,” said Senior Willie Pecarina.
“I’m gonna drive my tractor to school. It’s pretty bad ass, and gets about 25 mph. I’ll also look pretty sexy in my overalls,” said Sophomore Jared Meyer.
“I’m riding my dirt bike,” said Junior Josh Campa.
“We’re driving a tractor with a trailer and I think we’ll be grilling on the way there and back.” said Senior Jc Carlson.
“Well I might shower or brush my hair for once,” said Sophomore Molly McMullen.
“I’m going to fish in the pond outside of school with some buddies,” said Senior Wyatt Wentland.
“I’m driving a Porsche 911 or a 4-wheeler,” said Junior Cole Princivalli.
“I’m going to be putting lights on my bike and riding it around the parking lot in the morning, blasting some music off a speaker,” said Senior Autumn Miller