Seniors Taking on Spring Break

Marley Sanderson
Location? New York
With Who? Mom, Uncle, and Grammy
How long? 5 days
“We plan to see a Broadway show, visit Central Park, and do other touristy things.”
Carter Patnode
Location? Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
With Who? Andrew Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Dylan Rohlin, Noah Buystedt
How Long? 8 days
“I want to go out and get a sweet tattoo while I’m in Playa.”
Allie Merz
Location? Nuevo Vallarta, México
With Who? Her family, Stevens family, Boster family, and Hanson family
How Long? 7 days
“I can’t wait to go on an excursion and have a full on shopping day!”
Mateo Johnson
Location? California, then Texas, and end up in South Carolina
With Who? Marky Mark aka Dad
How Long? Will be out racing and training from the beginning of Spring Break all the way until June with a few trips back home
“I can’t wait to get back out on the bike and spend some quality time with my pops.”
Alex Kahlert
Location? Punta Cana, Mexico
With Who? Her family, Meeker family, Kenna Kunesh, and Hannah Michurski
How Long? 7 days
“I’m so excited to be with my friends somewhere tropical where it isn’t so cold”