The Psychology of PDA

Social Studies Teacher Devin Davidson sees Public Displays of Affection (PDA) every day. The affection that he sees as he supervises the Freshman Hallway ranges from small hugs to even intense kissing.
These sights have become so common some people just ignore the gestures as they pass a couple in the hall.
“PDA in the halls makes me ill and I need to carry a bag around with me because I get nauseous,” jokes Davidson as he perches on top of a tall chair, watching the students in the lunchroom.
PDA can be found all over BHS, few do it but, many see it. Are these couples completely oblivious to the people around them, or do they simply not care?
“PDA is okay in my opinion,” said one student at BHS who chooses to be openly affectionate in the hallways. ”My friends don’t really mind it and I like showing my affection.”
“We feel like it’s acceptable because most of our friends do it too,” said another couple.
According to the New York Times, people either show PDA to flaunt the strength of their relationship or to mask the weakness within it.
“Sometimes I feel uncomfortable when I see people show PDA, because I wonder if that is how my boyfriend and I look,” explains a student who frequently takes part in PDA.
“I show PDA to show that I care about my girlfriend, that I pay attention to her and show her that she matters to me,” said an anonymous student.
The New York Times states that showing PDA is okay in some public places more than others. Studies have found that PDA is more acceptable in places of meeting or departure, places like airports or train stations. For most students, PDA during school hours is awkward for them but as soon as it’s time to leave school it’s more accepted.
“PDA is absolutely disgusting at school, but administration can’t stop it,” said Junior Ryan Miller. “Some students have to get some common sense and understand that sticking their tongues down each other’s throats is not appropriate.”