Varsity Mock Trial Team advances to round 5 after defeating Annandale 232 to 222

After what varsity mock trial coach Mr. Swanson describes as “ one of the best and most intense trials ever,” the prosecution side of the Buffalo Mock trial team took victory over Annandale with a score of 232 to 222.
This win kept the team’s season going, and now the team only has one more trial to win before they take a State Participant slot.
Kandiyohi County attorneys, Mr. Aaron Walsh and Mr. Shane Baker, judged the competition and awarded the only superior score of 10 to Maddie Schwappach on her cross of the defendant, Jackie Peifer. The judges also awarded merits to the prosecution, something that is very hard to earn. Winning the merits as a prosecution team has been described by many judges as “nearly impossible”.
Annandale had not suffered defeat all season before this trial, and had even took victory over the JV Buffalo team during Round 1.
Earlier in the season, Buffalo also put up a very good showing during rounds, defeating Holy Spirit Academy 245 to 195, and Rockford 228 to 186. Glencoe Silver Lake did take a victory over Buffalo by 4 points. At practice after the defeat, team members described the loss to Glencoe as, “ a devastating loss, one that we should have not suffered.”
Buffalo will go head-to-head against Watertown tomorrow, February 18, in Meeker County.