
“Tulips are pretty and so are you” – Project Smile spreads joy with anonymous messages

“Roses are red violets are blue, tulips are pretty and so are you.”

They’re on lockers, doors, walls, and they’re even in the girls’  bathroom. With little Post-It Notes, someone is putting smiles on the faces of students and staff at BHS.

Who is responsible for it? No one knows and no one is taking credit for it.

One note stuck to a drinking fountain in the Junior locker area reads, “Smile simply because you can.”  There are many other little quotes on Post-It Notes placed all over the school. Words like these can make such a big difference  in a person’s day.

“They make me feel very joyful and happy inside,” said Junior Katie Manz.

No one knows who is behind the notes, but some notes are signed by “Project Smile”.

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Michelle is a Junior at BHS. She likes animals, singing, and her guitar.

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