
Tips for Pooping at BHS

Sensitive subject to some, but there’s no avoiding it. When you gotta’ go you gotta’ go. Nobody likes to do it, it’s embarassing especially for the ladies…So here are some helpful anonymous tips from your fellow BHS classmates:

  • “When you’re in the stall and someone is next to you, and you really have to go… drop your phone on the tampon box right as it hits the water.”
  • “Bring your Poo-Pourri.”
  • “Go to the locker room and go twice a day!”
  • “Hold it in. If you gotta go, go inbetween classes, if you don’t people will know and you’re screwed!”
  • “Have your friend cough.”
  • “If you’re constipated sit with your feet up on the toilet.”
  • “Always play music so it doesn’t get awkward.”
  • “Watch Netflix.”
  • “Don’t hold it in man!”
  • “There is a one-person bathroom, by the gym area, you can lock it… go there.”
  • “Visiting girls locker room, have your phone and rock back and forth.”
  • “Tell the next person in line to “be careful someone took a big s***” and they will never know it was you!!”

Going poop at school doesn’t have to be the end of your life; Be confident and proud,#2 is natural and we hope these tips will help you feel more comfortable pooping at school.

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