The Preperation

Everyone has different ways they get ready to prepare for a big game. Most listen to music and just do their warm up, but some people have some superstitions that if they don’t do the same thing before games that they will lose.
Allison Roethke is on the girls varsity hockey team. She has been playing the on varsity team since the 8th grade. Before every game Roethke tapes her stick with white tape. She refuse to let the stick touch the ground before it hits the ice. Roethke has a superstition that she has to wear all black on game day or they will lose the game.
“Practices can be really hard but the effort you put in will be the same as what you get out of it.” said Roethke
Taylor Spier is the “all-star” forward of the boy varsity basketball team. On a Tuesday game Spier goes home and watches his recording of scorpion. On the big day Spier drinks as much water a possible from the time he get home until the game starts. He watches the first half of the jv game with his team then they head to the locker room. They screw around in there for about 10 minutes before they actually start changing. Then coach Guida comes in the locker room and talks over the game plan and then they all head out.
” I don’t have any superstitions I trust the team.” said Spier
There are so many ways people prepare for a game. From just listing to music and doing the warm up to creating their own rituals. Most people on the same team have the same preparation because they are always together. Every sport you will find different ways they will prepare for the activity they are about to do.