
The Herd Winter Drumline debuts a new attitude, and prepares to take on its Division

The show marks the beginning of a new era for The Herd

The Herd Winter Drumline had their home show on February 15. The event was a chance for the program to showcase a new vision and new leadership to a home audience. They had a slightly lower score than last meet but placed first in their division.

Their Asian-influenced show was called “Balance”. They dressed up in white kimonos with red belts and their routine included choreography that they rehearsed with the help of a yoga instructor. The choreography was harmonious and fluid and suited the music well, conveying a sense of balance and harmony between quiet and loud.

“I feel [the show] went better than last week,” Senior Thomas Hoepner said, “but I was more nervous today.”

This year represented a shift from years prior where they dressed up in polo shirts for their outfits and had poor choreography. The new look and mindset came from a new director, Beau Hansen who is the head coach at a prestigious Drumline in Minnesota.

Sophomore Abby Bertsch said that the division that the Herd Winter Drumline, Scholastic Regional A, is generally made up of teams with less financial backing than larger programs. However, Bertsch said that this year’s team is delving into the musicality of the piece. We are focusing on performing and not just playing music.

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