Technology is always looking at ways to improve. Whether it be bringing text messages into a phone, email, and social networking sites. But is this improving technology good on society? Is this making it easier or harder for future real world tasks?
“I believe that technology is always a good thing,” said Junior Adria Scherber. “But at some point it needs to be controlled. I do not like texting as much as I like talking on the phone or in person. I think it is very rude when you are in the same room as someone else and they are texting when you are talking to them. What has technology brought to us, rudeness?”
How much students use technology has an impact on their personality and social life. Some students might sit at home and text instead of going to hangout with friends. Many students would rather stay at home and play video games with people they meet online instead of spending time with family.
“Video games used to take away from a lot of family and friend time,” said Junior Jake Kramber. “Even though I play with my friends online some friends are just gaming friends that I have never met. I would have rather game then go to dinner as a family sometimes, and my homework was last priority.”
Others disagree and think it makes them bond as friends and family more.
“My whole family plays video games,” said Junior Tyler Shelby. “So I think we bond more while playing them together, it makes us closer than we would be otherwise.”
But what would people do if they didn’t use technology so much? If you didn’t play video games, or didn’t have a cell phone to text on all the time. Some people think it would be like the end of the world, because of the attachment they have.
“I have a Tracfone that is only used for businesses and is paid by the minute,” said Junior Travis Kramer. “I do not play video games and do not use Facebook. I have a lot of time to work on cars and spend time with friends and family. I do not feel my life is anti-social at all, because whoever wants to talk to me can call me and that is who my real friends are.”
Does texting hurt communication when speaking person to person; during interviews, or getting first impressions?
“I feel that if people text all the time they are not very good communicators,” said Freshmen Amy Olson. “I personally do not text a lot.”