Teacher Collections: The history of Mrs. Hulley’s trolls
History Teacher Tracy Hulley has been collecting trolls for many years. She got her first two trolls as an exchange student to Denmark.
Now, her classroom is filled with troll dolls. They line her windows, fill a bookshelf, and sit on top of cabinets and a television.

“My first two trolls were a guy and a girl,
said Hulley. “I got them from friends at the school I went to.”
Over the years the trolls have multiplied. Now reaching numbers close to two-hundred, they watch over her classes .
“I don’t collect them, they’re given to me,” said Hulley. “All but one has been given to me. I’m close to two-hundred trolls.”
Though Hulley has multiple favorites, all trolls are welcome in her room. Collecting the trolls has not been a hobby. Students have given her a wide range, including a clown troll, a bowling troll, and a troll for every holiday.
“I will take all the trolls I get. It’s kind of like a troll rescue center.”