Teacher Assistants Disappear and Mentorship’s Take Over

A big change has been made in the 2015-2016 school year regarding students being teacher assistants. Teacher assistants have disappeared and the role of student mentorships have taken over.
“I wanted to help kids because I’m mentoring for a class I like and I wanted to help kids have a positive experience”, said senior mentor Cody Lynch.
Students became teacher assistants to fill in empty blocks, or because they like the subject and teacher and wanted to be in that class again.
“I really liked Mr. Hygrell and had already taken all the classes he offered, so I wanted to mentor for him so I could have one last class with him”, said Lynch.
In the past, teacher assistants were able to grade quizzes and assignments, but now that mentors have taken over, there are new rules regarding what you are allowed and not allowed to do.
“I can answer questions, set up labs, but I can’t grade anything and can’t answer any questions during tests”, said Lynch.
Mentors are also going through a series of mentorship training classes that go throughout the quarter of the student’s mentorship that take place during the block they mentor.
“We learn how to work together and it’s kind of annoying because none of the stuff really pertains to you. It doesn’t help me because I don’t take it seriously because I don’t think it helps me as a mentor”, said Lynch.