
Summer Strength & Conditioning

As the school year winds down, spring sports come to an end and students prepare for summer break.  For those students who want to stay in shape, there is an option.  BHS offers a summer strength and conditioning program, and anyone in grades 7-12 can join.

“We will be working on all of the vital components involved in achieving optimal athletic performance,” said Coach Hanson.  “All student athletes involved in any sport are highly encouraged to participate, it will make a difference.”strength-instry

There are three primary goals for Summer Strength and Conditioning.  The first is to reduce the liklihood and severity of injury by improving structural integrity of joints.  The second is to stimulate positive physiological adaptions that allow the athlete to mazimize performance potential.  The third is to improve confidence and mental toughness by requiring athletes to provide all the effort they can and expand their tolerance for physical discomfort.

The program will take place at Buffalo High School in the weight room, activity center, and other facilities.  It starts on Monday, June 15 and ends on Thursday, August 13.  The cost to join is $95 for the entire nine week program, and fundraisers are available to offset the cost (see Coach Rohl or Hanson).  If you are interested in joining, there is still time to register.  Though the “due date” of the registration forms has already passed, Coach Rohl and Hanson will still accept them.  Registration forms are available at the activities office, or you could see Rohl or Hanson.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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