Summer It’s Work

Working during the summer is when school isn’t in session. Its a great oppurtinuy for teenaers to make money and acquire their independence and understand the value of a dollar. Having a summer job can help an individual earn spending money, help pay for college or another big purchase, and also gain experience for a future career choice.
“Summer jobs equal no life, but Id be broke without them.” Said Senior, Amanda Yager.
These jobs are opportunities that aren’t available during the school year for most students, as often as they are in the summer.
When looking for a summer job you should make sure you choose something you like to do, and make sure the benefits suit you well. Said senior, Elise Swanson
” I choose the two jobs I have now from friends who mentioned me to management, I filled out applications at both places and got hired at both places, luckily.” Said Junior Hannah Anderson