20 Minutes of Whatever

Students get 20 minutes at the end of every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to get a start on school work. It is meant to be used for academic purposes. Instead many students will talk, or play on their smart phones. “I usually spend the most of my time on my phone.” said Sophomore Wyatt Geisinger.
Even though the majority of students don’t use their AAA time for homework, there are some student who still use it to their advantage. “Normally I use it for homework, but if I go with friends it makes a difference on if I choose to work or not, because sometimes they can be distracting.” said Sophomore Dylan Meyer.
We went into five different AAA’s and observed their activities. Of the students we observed only thirty-six students were working. Eighty-seven students were not working. That’s only about one in three students using the work time they were given.
The extra time is also helpful for the teachers to work with the students to learn a subject better or work on their homework. Spanish Teacher Jessica Nickelsen said “For me it [AAA] is because I need to get additional time with my kids.” “I’ve had a lot of people come in for AAA and Bison Time academically, this semester. Last semester it was more visiting, this semester has been much more academic.”
Should work be mandatory in AAA? Or is AAA supposed to be a time to hang out with friends? Either way AAA is just 20 minutes of whatever.