
Students provide laughs at ComedySportz Show

Two teams of students competed yesterday at ComedySportz in the PAC at Buffalo High School to get a reaction out of the audience while a referee calls fouls.

Ten students participate in ComedySportz, an extra-curricular activity that deals with improv skills and making people laugh.

Comedysportz is improvisational comedy which high school students play as a sport. Buffalo High School competes against other schools to see who gets the most laughs out of the audience, which gives them points.

“Surprisingly, it was actually really funny,” said Junior Nikki Bonin. “I was really impressed by how they came up with their lines on the spot.”

For the second year, the students put on a show only at the High School in which the whole team separates into two teams and competes against one another to improve their comedy skills.

“At one point the referee said ‘this is the only sport that anyone plays in sweatpants’,” said Bonin, “I just kinda thought that gave them more of a cool factor.”

At this performance, mostly family members showed up to support their sons and daughters, but others came along as well for a good time. There is also professional ComedySportz where anyone is able to sign up and participate in.

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Meghan Bye

Likes girl scout cookies, mostly samoas.

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