
Students battle fears to save lives in the NHS Blood Drive

Buffalo High school hosted their second blood drive this year today. October’s blood drive raised 102 units of blood, but NHS advisor Brigitta Bergquist believes Buffalo can raise even more blood than before.  If the school meets that goal,  students will earn $2,500 in scholarship money from the American Red Cross.

“Our goal for this blood drive is 148 units,” said Bergquist “We have 175 students signed up to donate blood and the Red Cross is giving us more staff this time.”

175 upperclassmen joined teachers, administration, and staff members in donating blood. According to America’s blood centers website, (americasblood.org) an average of 4.5 million American’s need a blood transfusion each year.

“I think it’s a good way to help people out that really need it,” said Skarin. “I think anybody that’s able to donate blood should do it.”

Because this blood drive is being held while there are not any sports in progress, it has attracted new donors. Senior Tim Skarin, who was unable to donate at the Fall drive, was able to donate at the spring drive.

“I couldn’t donate blood the time before because of football,” said Skarin, “but I have had blood taken before, so its not a big deal to me.”

Graphic by Valerie Ostvig.
Pictures: Senior Lexi Sandberg. Photo by Mariah Brings.
Graphic by Valerie Ostvig.

Pictured: Senior Drew Stender. Photo by Mariah Brings.

Story by Jay Mason and Nicholas Swearingen –  Graphics by Valerie Ostvig

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Valerie Ostvig

Valerie enjoys long walks on the beach with plenty of sunshine, especially when accompanied by her pet unicorn, Fido. In her spare time, Valerie is the Editor-in-Chief of The Hoofprint and an amateur clothing upcycler. Her favorite food is chips and super mild salsa. Even ketchup is spicy to her.

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