Staring Death in the Face
“I have died almost eight times”.
What what? Does that really say eight times? Almost dying that many times is very unusual for almost anyone, but for Senior Sydney Segelstrom that isn’t unusual.
“It isn’t normal for me per se, it’s just a part of my life,” Said Segelstrom.
And almost dying has been a part of Segelstrom’s life since she was born.
“After I was born I slipped off the delivery table and the doctor caught me by my ankle,” Segelstrom said. “Then in the end of seventh grade a horse crushed me into a door. [Senior] Presley pulled the horse off of me. I blacked out when that happened and it messed up my right arm nerves. I write strangely now and I can’t feel it.”
Even though it seems Segelstrom has almost died a number of times, it doesn’t scare Segelstrom.
“What happens, happens. You can’t escape fate,” Segelstrom said.