
Spring Sports Postponed

          Spring sports have officially begun with opening games and meets having already begun as early as April 2nd. While, many athletes are excited to began playing the weather does not seem to be as eager to cooperate.

 As many are aware the heavy snowfalls and recent rain showers have left many towns along the Red River facing flooding and evacuations. Buffalo may not be anywhere near these towns; however, it also faces it’s fair share of flooding which ultimately could leave games and meets postponed.

          During the spring break period we experienced days filled with rain and the melting of snow, causing many ditches, yards and fields to flood or at the very least be sopping with mud. Because the fields have been thick with mud a game or two has been postponed causing the teams to schedule at a later time. One or two games don’t seem like much but what do they mean for the teams? 

“It makes it so we have all indoor practices and then have like 5 or 6 games in a row,” said Senior Matt Holthaus, who plays on the varsity baseball team.

          Most spring athletes enjoy the warmer weather and love having the chance to practice and play outside, but these unfortunate conditions has denied them of that opportunity. Luckily, the weather has begun to improve giving the teams hope for no more postponed games.  

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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