Seniors say goodbye to their high school musical careers
Seniors and director give their perspective on their final high school concert

Buffalo High School has been recognizing seniors in the music department through the showcase concert for longer than any of the current music teachers have been teaching in Buffalo. “It’s a big commitment for you to be in music, especially all four years,” Mr. Walsh said, “we really think that it is important to recognize the commitment that the seniors have made.” The concert is the last concert of the year and it showcases the Concert Choir, Concert Orchestra, Concert Band, Chamber Strings 1, Jazz 1, and BHS Singers. At the end of the concert, all the concert groups play a combined piece called “We Are the Music Makers” by Michael Halstenson.
Seniors say goodbye

For the seniors, the showcase concert is their last high school concert performing with the people they have been making music with throughout their musical journey. “In a class like orchestra you grow up with these people and you see each other every day for 80 minutes for 4 years straight so there is definitely a stronger bond with the people in this class than in other classes,” Sophia Strommen (‘18) said “I’m definitely going to miss the people and making music together. It’s a really cool opportunity and a unique way to bond with other people”.
Students in band choir and orchestra have put a lot of effort into preparing for the showcase concert. “It is stressful for the students, especially for those in band/choir or orchestra/choir,” Samantha Twardy (‘18) said, “we have twice as much music to learn and memorize. Our hardest music also comes out at the end too. The music we play in the spring is much harder than the fall music.” Not only do they have a lot of music to learn, but they also put a lot of pressure on themselves because they all want to do well. “It’s just a lot all at once,” Jesse Meyer (‘18) said, “you know it is your last concert and just you want to do great.”

The showcase concert represents the ending of the seniors high school music experience and it’s something many music students have looked forward to for a long time “I’m pretty emotional about showcase, it’s a big deal to me.” Naomi Curran (‘18) said “I still remember watching it as a freshman, I thought the concert band was so unbelievably good. When they were walking across the stage with their three-word quotes, that moment felt so far away from me, I couldn’t imagine it happening. But now it’s happening. So yeah it feels pretty weird.”
Walsh concludes a career

The showcase concert is not only the last concert for seniors, it is also Mr. Walsh’s last high school concert. “I’m graduating,” Mr. Walsh said “it took me 33 years, but I finally graduated from Buffalo High School. I don’t want it to be that big of a deal that it is my last concert, because it’s the students’ last concert too and I see that as more important. It’s a bigger deal for them, cause you know I will have more concerts that I’ll conduct and that kind of stuff. I want the focus really to be on the seniors.”