
So much preparation, so little time until graduation

Buffalo is getting ready to graduate roughly 470 students on June 10, and the date is approaching fast. Each graduating student will received a cap and gown Friday during all lunches. The Senior Class Cabinet (SCC) has been preparing for graduation for months now, and they are beyond excited for the day to come. During graduation, the SCC will be reading through the names.

“We’ve been anticiapting this since the beginining of the year,” said Senior Class Cabinet Member Annalee Mason. “It came up on us fast, but I think we all well prepared for this.”

Graduation takes hours of work to make the day successful and smooth. Assistant Principle Mr. Brandon Prell has been the leading coordinator of graduation the past 4 years.

“There has been a lot of details being done to make sure graduation goes well,” said Prell, “Such things as photographers, making sure there is enough parking, finding ushers, creating the program, deciding who walks and who doesn’t, and making sure we have enough seating with this being the largest graduating class ever.”

This year there will be guys in bright orange vests directing the parking lot and over-flow parking (if needed) before graduation.

“One of the main concerns this year is ‘Do we have enough parking?'” stated Prell, “So our goal is to make sure we fill up the parking lot to as many cars as can fit.”

Graduation will be held at Buffalo High School in the large gymnasium at 7 p.m. Each student received 6 tickets to hand out to friends and family that will be able to come and watch graduation. Overflow seating will be held in the PAC for anyone interested in watching graduation live on the big screen.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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