The end of the year is approaching, and Seniors are expected to have their lives, for the next two to four years mapped out. Some will attend military school, others want a doctorate, and yet still others… Want to go into theater.
Senior Harrison Bjorback will be attending University of Minnesota-Duluth as a Theater Major specializing in Tech Direction.
“I will have to do a couple of shows at college. I know one I definitely want to do up at UMD is… the musical Sister Act.” said Harrison. “The [professional theater] job market is fairly open, because they’re always looking for people to help out.”
“In college I’m going to University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, and I’m going to major in stage management with a minor in arts administration,” said Senior Grace Happe.
Happe has been involved with theater programs since she was six, starting with Buffalo Community Theater.
“When I got to the high school… Eventually I became a stage manager. I realized that I could make a career out of this hobby. I realized I could spend the rest of my life doing this.”
Grace recently got an internship for a program in Minneapolis, called Theater Latte Da. She will be working there as a stage manager.
“After college, I’d like to go to New York City,” Happe said. “Eventually I want to come back home, to Minnesota, because my family’s here. My arts administration minor will allow me to do in-site booking [and] manage the business side of theater.”