Seniors Share Feelings on Graduation

As the year is quickly coming to a close most high school students have a lot on their minds. Seniors have a little more than most, their lives are just beginning and they’re taking on a new chapter. Stereotypical senior rumors like senior slide have been circulating the halls for years, but this leaves us with a common question. What do seniors really think when they think about high school coming to an end?
The past four years of high school have probably had it’s ups and downs, but a bitter sweet ending is coming and mixed emotions are being felt. Most people are very happy to be leaving the torture chamber known as school. But, what memories will they carry with them?
“A really good memory was when I was a sophomore and the boys basketball team went to state, that was cool, it was fun to watch them.” says Emily Linderholm.
The years have been filled with prosperous moments, moments that made people feel on top of the world.
“I’d want to relive 9th grade because I made a lot of friends in 9th grade.” says Zach Hancock.
People made life long friends through these years and they are so grateful for this.
Unfortunately, some people haven’t had experiences like Linderholm and Hancock.
“I hated high school,” said Senior Logan Otto. “I never got along with my teachers and school just really isn’t for me.”
Although Otto about how much he hated high school he does think he’ll miss it.
“A year from now I’ll probably look back on high school and wish I was back here in this warm building instead of working outside and freezing,” Otto said.
Although many people will remember high school very different it will always be apart of them. As the seniors graduate this June they will be brought together through one common thing, Buffalo High School. They came here together and they are leaving together, and their memories of this high school will live on.