Buffalo High school-Devin Davidson regularly arrives and leaves the school with an empty parking lot, and dark skies. Davidson spends about 8-15 hrs a week with Divers ed and behind the wheel during the school year in addition to his teaching duties.
Davidson gets here early to prep for the day by brushing the snow off the driver’s education cars and shoveling them out. The next step in the day is to prep for his classes. Davidson teaches an assortment of classes such as American Government, Minnesota History, Current Events, and Driver’s Ed.
The earliest time Davidson has ever gotten to the school (with the new times) was 6:00 in the morning and the latest he left was 9:00 p.m. He gives up his time to his students, letting them do test corrections in the morning and Behind the Wheel after school.
Davidson believes that for the day to run correctly you need to be prepared.
“I don’t have a prep time because I supervise the lunch room,” Davidson said, “so I prep before and after school. I prep before school and I grade work at home.”
Although Davidson spends 8-15 hrs a day during the school year he is not alone. Many other teachers may invest more or less time into the school and I am excited to find that out.