
Should Facebook be allowed in school?

With smartphones and 3G and 4G connections, some students at Buffalo High School have the ability to connect with friends on Facebook.  Students who don’t have the 3G or 4G connection have no way to access the social networking site due to school internet filtering. MySpace, Tumbler, Pintrest are some of the other social networking websites blocked.

Some students argue that we should have access to Facebook and other social networking websites from the school’s internet.

“I am not sure why they need to, but if it had a use I wouldn’t mind,” said English Teacher Denise Wahlin. “It’s more a of a free time thing.”

A similar opinion to Wahlin’s is a study done by Heartlandtime.com.  The study has shown that the more kids using Facebook during a study hall time, tends to do worse on tests and get poor grades.

After surveying 30 BHS students, 70 percent of them said that Facebook should be accessible to use in school. The most common reason was the though that as long as their work is done, it should be fine as long as they are being appropriate like they would act in school. The other 30 percent of students said it should not be used because it would be a big distraction from their work and a waste of time.

“I think teenagers have enough drama in life,” said Special Ed Teacher Lora Warner. “They use it as a way to communicate and say things they can’t say in person.”

Junior Spencer Wilson has a Facebook page, but the last time he updated it was September 2, 2012.

“I personally don’t use Facebook very often,” says  Wilson. “I feel that we don’t need another distraction like Twitter in school.”

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