It’s that time of year again… February, 14. The either dreaded or anticipated day. It’s when flower shops and candy stores increase their sales, it’s when people of all ages confess their feelings for each other, and young kids stay up late making a little treat for each student in class. Does all of this seem too mushy, or is it special and memorable?
Single students perspectives:
“I think it’s a dumb holiday because obviously i’m gonna be alone for life,” said Freshman Hannah Therrien
“I’m neutral, i’m not one of those Valentines Day haters or anything,” said Junior Paige Newman
“It’s not necessarily a bad thing because couples can show their affection and appreciation towards each other,” said Junior Zach Jans
“I don’t have anyone so I don’t have plans and those candy hearts with messages on them taste bad,” said Junior Luke Boyle
“I just like it because chocolate is cheap the next day,” said Freshman Averi Linz
In a relationship students perspectives:
“It’s stupid. If you love someone you should show them everyday of the year” Said Senior Jordon Landsberger
“I have plans on Valentine’s Day but he won’t tell me anything, it’s a surprise and I am expecting a lot from him.” Said Junior Austyn Walker
“I think it’s kind of pointless because you should always be showing someone you love them and be treating them special, not just one day,” said Junior Kirsten Deladi
“It’s just a made up holiday,” Said Senior Shianne Kempel