Senior picture deadline approaches
Okay smile, good. Now let’s try a serious one….
If you’re a senior, you most likely know what this is all about. The either looked forward to, or dreaded senior pictures.

“The guy who took my pictures would make wierd faces at me and make stupid noises like you do to a little kid to try and make them laugh.” Said Senior David Altmann. “When I got my serious ones done, it was really hard cause it was quiet and awkward so it I had to laugh. But I think they turned out good.”
Senior Sophie Jundt is a People Section Editor for the Tatanka Yearbook and has the job of hunting down people to make sure they get their picture in that they want to use for the yearbook. Each Senior is required to bring in a senior picture of their choice, or the regular school picture will be used as the yearbook photo. Not just any picture can be used though. According to the Yearbook Senior Picture Specifications, all submitted photos need to be in full color, they must be head and shoulder shots with a plain, solid background, no props, hats, or bandanas are allowed, and your photo can be a digital picture.
“It can be very stressful because a lot of the time, not everyone is willing to participate, and they don’t get their pictures in on time,” said Jundt.
The choice picture needs to be in to the People Section Editor by October 2. This could be an issue for the seniors who chose to have their pictures taken later. Some studios only take a week to get the prints out, while others can take up to two to three months.
“Benjamin Peterson took mine,” Said Senior Savanna Gravening. “It took him a week to edit the pics, and another week to get the CD. I just haven’t gotten them printed yet. I like having a CD because I can always go back and print more.”