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“See a common theme? Food and me.” Squadroni, Boeckers, and Schlagel demonstrate delightful Prom dishes

Thursday, April 19, three teachers, Spanish Teacher Daryl Boeckers, English Teacher Joel Squadroni, and JAG-MN Teacher Neil Schlagel, dedicated two hours out of their day and took a risk in organizing their first cooking lesson. This session was particularly geared towards guys who wanted to experiment and cook for prom.
Boeckers had this idea of teaching students how to cook for prom for over three years before it was put into action.
“I wanted to teach guys in particular how to cook for Prom,” said Boeckers, “to be able to save some money, have some fun, and because girls have enough to do on prom day.”

Squadroni, Schlagel, and Boeckers each brought a dish they knew how to prepare to the table. Squadroni cooked lasagna and garlic bread. Shlagel put together crabmeat stuffed mushrooms, chicken oscar, and cherry chocolate cake, while Boeckers prepared interactive panini sandwiches, a cookie dough dessert, and apple kiwi salad.
“I had already taken Creative Foods,” said Junior David Rayl, “so I had made lasagna before, but it was really interesting to watch Squad cook because you could really tell that he had a lot of experience. I really liked how Schlagel cooked crab stuffed mushrooms because I had never had them before and I wasn’t even sure how you would stuff a mushroom. I think cooking is fun and I figured I would use what I learned later on cooking for a girlfriend or wife.”
With multiple dishes prepared, the cooking class ranged from Squadroni’s lasagna to Schlagel’s stuffed mushrooms. Students came away feeling accomplished and had a new perspective for the kitchen.

Story by Hope Mueller

Video by Samantha Sansevere

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Hope Mueller

The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time. Hope is the Features editor for The Hoofprint and a member of the Tatanka yearbook staff.

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