Wanelo: A Dangerous Addiction

Wanelo (Want Need Love) is an online website very similar to Pinterest. Users are able to upload and save different products to their profile. On Wanelo, however, the user is able to purchase any product that is posted on the website.
Junior Sandra Lao knows all about this website and describes it as a “dangerous addiction”.
“It’s definitely an extremely dangerous addiction. I can’t seem to get away from it. I’m worried I’ll end up spending all of my money,” said Lao. “I check mine from my phone or computer at least twice a day.”
Lao isn’t the only BHS student who is hooked on Wanelo. Freshman Madi Hulett also can’t quit her “Wanelo addiction”.
“Wanelo is amazing. All the clothes are so super cute and I can’t stop checking it throughout the day,” said Hulett. “Honestly Pinterest doesn’t even compare to it. Wanelo never gets old and it actually allows you to have the product.”
Many BHS students will admit that they’ve bought something off of Wanelo. For some, the product they ordered didn’t turn out the way they had planned.
“I ordered this super cute necklace. It had a pendant,” said Junior Katie Davis. “It was actually really cute but it really wasn’t my style. It was big and gaudy.”
Wanelo seems to have won over a lot of Pinterest users and it seems like it’s nowhere near on its way out of the online-networking world.
“I will never get sick of my Wanelo,” said Lao. “I got a really awesome phone case off of it.”