There was a two-hour delay issued for Buffalo as about nine inches of snow fell on Sunday, December 9. The driving conditions were not good and people were finding themselves getting stuck in driveways and ditches. The days that followed brought even more ice and snow.
Around the high school there are a lot of new drivers and this will be the first real snowfall that they’ve had to deal with. Some students ended up leaving their car at home and took the bus to school.
“I’m not driving in this!” said Junior Natalia Velenchenko. “I’m not a very good driver, and I especially don’t like driving in snow. Besides, I can do my homework and get stuff done on the bus.”
Many students have found their way into a ditch one way or another.
“I was just going straight,” said Junior Sam Ortmann. ” And I ended up in the ditch.”
Others have had other issues.
“I was taking a corner and hit the brakes,” said Junior Levi Bean. “I ended up going straight into another car.”