
Ready or not, prom is right around the corner

On Saturday May 7, Buffalo High School is holding prom at the Saint Cloud Civic Center from 9:00 until midnight for Juniors and Seniors. From 2:30 to 3:30, professional pictures will be held in the Buffalo Auditorium, following Grand March at 4:00-5:00.

In order to be able to attend prom you must have your class fee paid. The cost is $25.00 and you may turn it into Mrs. Hulley if you haven’t done so yet.

Many Seniors do not want to miss out on their Senior prom, along with many Juniors, but some just simply do not care to go.

“I personally think it is a waste of money,” Said Senior Ben Kunkl. “My mom went with my dad one year and the other year she went with her friends, and she said that it wasn’t really that exciting, so I don’t want to waste my time to go. It’s nice for people who do want to go, I’m just not one of them.”

Around Buffalo High School, walking around the hallways you hear the word prom comes up a lot. The stresses can overtake a person if they aren’t well prepared.

“I’ve been seriously stressed out with the last week of getting things ready before prom,” Said Junior Ellen Stetter. “I’ve been trying to plan with my date where we are going to eat, how we are getting there, what’s going to happen when I get back to Buffalo, and trying to book a nice car for that night. We still don’t know this stuff and Prom is just not even a week away yet, it’s really a lot of stress put on one person. The easy part for me was getting the dress, finding a date, and getting my hair appointment set up. At least three things are out of the way. It’s just getting stressful as it comes right around the corner, before you know it, it will be Saturday.”

Many people visit Buffalo Floral for prom, and this year they have sold about 420 corsages and boutonnieres, along with 112 tuxes going out on May 6th.

“We only wish that prom didn’t take place on mother’s day weekend,” Said the staff from Buffalo Floral.

Today, Wednesday, May 4, and Thursday, May 5, prom tickets will be sold before, during, and after school for $25.00. Any day after Thursday the tickets will cost $30.00

Before School- In the Senior Locker Bay

During School- Sold during all lunches

After School- In the Junior locker bay.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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