
Snow Daze brings spirit to B.H.S

Snow daze started on Friday the 18th with a 70’s disco dance after the boys basketball game. It was a great turn out and raised money for track and field.

Snow days is a week of excitement and fun activities. Each day is a different dress up day including Tuesday being get up an go, Wednesday being work out day, Thursday being formal day, and Friday being flannel day. There are also after school activities like, Broom ball Tuesday, bowling Wednesday, knowledge bowl Thursday. Along with these events there was also activities during AAA. Wednesday was Wii dance and Friday is blind folded musical chairs.

“Snow days is a great way to celebrate the last few weeks of winter,” said senior Morgan Lubben. ” It’s a lot of fun.”

Wednesday Wii dance was a real hit, the students and teachers loved it.

” I was really nervous before hand, but it was a lot of fun dancing,” said senior Dani Nordin.

Blindfolded musical chairs concluded the annual Snow Daze week at Buffalo High School. Students and staff gathered into the gym during AAA to watch their classmates and teachers compete with each other.

The competition was between boys, girls, and staff. Each group had their own circle of chairs and were to walk around once the music started, blindfolded. Once the music stopped, the students were to find a seat and whoever couldn’t was out of the competition. With more and more competitors getting out, all of the remaining students and staff competed against each other. Senior Lexie Prom won, receiving  candy as her prize.

Senior Andrew Ortmann announced the event and added entertaining commentary throughout the game, and while everyone was listening to him and watching rooting for their classmates, an unexpected distraction took over on the senior’s side of the gym. Senior, and homecoming king, Michael Patchen kept the audience laughing with his talented dance moves.

From dress up days, to participating in activities, Buffalo High School knows how to show their school spirit.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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