Grad Party Stress

As the end of the year gets closer and closer, seniors have begun to plan and organize grad parties. While most seniors are having the stereotypical party with bean bag toss and a bonfire, some have a little extra planned.
“I told my mom I would not attend my own party unless it had a bouncy house,” said senior Emily Varner. “I figured it would be fun plus bouncy houses are just awesome.”
Even though this a celebration of the academic achievement, the seniors play very little role in the planning.
“I let my mom and dad do most of the planning for my grad parties,” said senior Austin Brandes. “I do some of it, but most of it I leave up to them.”
While some people leave it up to their parents, some have not even gave any thought of what they might do.
“I have not thought about that yet,” said senior Connor Mann. “I don’t know what I’ll do.
Other students have weighed the option of having a grad party and have opted not to have one at all.
“I’m not even going to have one,” said senior Jonathon Wirkkala. “I did not want to spend the money, or organize it. I figured that most of my Saturdays and Sundays are already taken up by other grad parties so how would I have time to have my own?”
Students don’t always enjoy the sociable part about grad parties either. It can be stressful to be the center of attention and have to answer to a large amount of people.
“I feel like I have to be nice and sociable to everyone who is going to be there,” said Varner. “Then trying to avoid several intoxicated relatives is a completely different story.”