Minnesota Academic Sectinoal Champions

If you are ever in the pizza line you have probably looked in the awards case before, but have you ever noticed that one academic plaque is completely spelled wrong. Apparently we are the Minnesota Academic Sectinoal Champions for Boys Basketball in the 2001-2002 school year. When we brought this to Principal Mark Mischke’s attention he responded with a laugh and said “classic”.
“It is ironic how there is a misspelling on an academic award,” said Mischke. “This is the first time that I have noticed it in the six years that I have been at BHS.”
“I think its sad that they can’t spell it right on an academic plaque, but it is basketball so thats probably why,” said Junior Stephanie Johnson.
Some people on the other hand noticed this mistake right away like Counselor Mark Jones and Assistant Administrator Nicholas Guida.
“I noticed it right away because I am smarter than most people,” said Jones.
“I noticed it when I was standing near by visiting with some people,” said Guida.” I saw that Boys Basketball was academic champs in 2001, but the first thing that popped out at me was that sectional was spelt wrong. I thought that it was ironic having sectional spelt wrong on an academic award.”