
New surfaces for the tennis and track and field

After the 15 years and one recent track and field state championship, the Bison will be running on a new track next spring.
The district is just completing a $351,000 to repair both the track and the tennis courts. The money was a part of the referendum from 2003, and couldn’t be used for staff or activities. This money by law had to be used to repair or improve current structures in the district. The tennis courts are completed and the finishing touches are happening at the track.
“We had to spend the money soon,” said BHS Activity Director Tom Bauman. “The money would go away if we didn’t  spend according to the bond.”
The new track and tennis courts will not cause a new tax or any new budget cuts. This money came from a bond that was voted on in 2003.
“This bond went to pay for a Northwinds elementary, BHS activity center, and addition for the middle school, Hanover elementary, and Montrose elementary.” said District 877  Director of Finance and Operations Chuck Klaasse. “The track and tennis courts had to be. If we didn’t do it now it would be probably be four to five years before it would of been redone.”
The bond also created new classrooms and an expanded cafeteria at BHS.
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