After a 5-5 previous season, the Buffalo Boys Football squad is changing some things up by changing up the Head Coaching position. The new head coach will be Craig Lachowitzer, also known as “Lach”.
The players on the team are excited about what Lachowitzer has to bring and they are willing to work hard.
“I’m excited about the season,” said Junior Isaiah Karels. “I think Lach will bring a whole different level of play into our team and we will run the ball a lot more.”
Lachowitzer spoke about his ideas for building the culture of the team heading into a new season.
“We are going to set a group of core values that everything we do will be built upon,” Lachowitzer said. “These values, for example, “maximum effort” will serve as a reminder to all players what our team expects from each other and will serve as a constant reminder of what we are all about. We will also make a concerted effort to be servant leaders and volunteers in the school and the community. We will focus on giving back and acknowledging all of those people that have helped us get to where we want to be.”
Although the season won’t start until late in the summer, Lachowitzer will start putting his vision into action right away, starting with smaller steps in the weight room.
“We have the basics of more guys needing to get into the weight room and making the commitment to improve their body and their athleticism,” Lachowitzer said. “In addition, I think that the improvements that I most want to see are a continued willingness to do whatever we can to help and support the guy next to us. We have taken great steps in the ‘family’ portion of being a team in the last couple of years, but I think we will need to continue to strengthen that to reach our maximum potential. As a coaching staff we need to be able to do the same and build trust in each other, and the trust between players and coaches.”