Neighbor Rosicky: A Message to Remember
One Act concludes their season with a heartfelt public performance

A stunning performance fit into a ten by ten frame. One Act concluded their season on Tuesday night ( 2/5) with a public performance of their show, Neighbor Rosicky. The show placed first at Sub-Sections and second at Sections, falling short to St. Micheal-Albertville for the second year in a row. Despite an end to their season the message of the show will continue to influence members of the cast.
“Neighbor Rosicky is meant to show people that no matter what happens in your life you can still make the best of it and be a positive person,” Lucas Louwagie ‘26 said. “This show helped me see a more positive side of the world and see people in a positive light even if they are negative.”

One Act competitions are limited in many aspects when compared to traditional theater productions. One of these limitations is the number of cast and crew members allowed in the show which is capped at twenty. This year’s show featured a cast and crew of only nineteen creating an ideal environment to make genuine connections on and off set.
“Even though we’re acting, we’re all still friends, and we’re still all connected in some way,” Avery Russek ‘26 said. “We got a lot of compliments on the realness of our connections on stage but those relationships are real off the stage, I think that means a lot.”
Russek has been an influential part of the theater department since her freshman year, performing as the lead actress in numerous plays and musicals at BHS, including The Hunckback of Notre Dame and Treasure Island, but One Act has continued to hold a special place in her heart.
“One Act means everything to me. It’s my favorite part of the year. It’s, really stressful, but it’s also really fun,” Russek said. “What you get back from One Act is very important and extremely rewarding for me.”
Neighbor Rosicky followed the life of Anton Rosicky, an immigrant from Bohemia, overcoming the hardships of his new life in America. Rosicky’s story showed the importance of being good to others and looking beyond material value for fulfillment in one’s life. The show encourages cherishing relationships made on the journey of life and not taking life’s small moments for granted.

“Rosicky’s message is important right now because there are so many problems in the world that drive people to do bad things, and this show helps to show people that a bad past doesn’t define a person,” Louwagie said.